When the extreme cold comes, this is one of about 1/2 dozen stops where homeless will be and need help. At the core of all the hot chocolate, blankets and gloves is a message of the love of Christ. The greatest of their needs are spiritual. Almost all are in a battle! These are the modern day lepers to many, these are the people Jesus would minister to, the greatest in need.
BUT IT'S SCARY! If you ever thought of doing outreach, here would be a good start. Know this, the people you will encounter are very welcoming. When the need is great, they are happy to see anyone who will help them, they are greatly appreciative. Something else to be aware of; all most all have prayed a prayer of salvation, so I look beyond that once I confirm they have accepted Christ. I walk them into a conversation of their identity. This is the core of not only their issue, but many Christians. We still see ourselves are sinners, but Christ see us as saints, holy, beloved, a friend, washed clean, sitting with Him at the right had of the Father, etc. WALK IN THAT! Do you still sin? Yes you do - 1 John 1:10. But does Jesus wag his finger at you and call you a bad sinner? Absolutely not! So my conversation, if the Spirit allows is one of walking in Christ who has already overcome, to start realizing their identity is in Grace and the Finished Work.... IT IS FINISHED- John 19:30. We are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ - 2Co.10:5. It is amazing when you see in their eyes a light of who they really are in Christ. Our job is to GO, uplift, love, edify and encourage people. We cannot judge them by where we are in our walk, but meet them where they are in life. Remember, we are all on a journey, walk with your brother or sister who may not be where you are, and in doing so, maybe you will discover you also are not where you think you are in your journey. You are called to go and bless, and in that blessing, YOU will receive more than you can imagine! But the first step is for you are walk out the door of your home or church. God Bless you as you Go!
Temperatures near zero, wind chill below zero!What we rarely realize as we leave church is there are people on the streets in major cities through the United States. Yes, there are choices, maybe a shelter would be best for them. For various reasons they do not go, our job is to meet them where they are, share Christ, His love and grace on them.
![]() I was walking out of a diner in Baltimore this afternoon when I saw a homeless lady circling a car out of the corner of my eye. I knew she had me in her sights. Of course, she asked for a few dollars to get a cup of coffee. I knew she needed something. It was 30 degrees out right now, and tonight, we will get up toward a foot of snow. The temperatures are not above freezing during the day for the next seven to ten days, with wind chills in the single digits at night. Since she was living in a makeshift tent next to Interstate 95, she is not prepared for what is coming her way. Her name is Anna. She can't weigh more than 100 pounds and is already shivering, way under dressed. As I started to lead the conversation after she asked for money. I asked, outside of financial, what is your greatest struggle in life? What is something you battle with daily? Many times, this leads to an addiction conversation, which will lead to a conversation about their soul and salvation. But this lady knocked me off my feet. She replied, "trying to get my homeless friends to believe in Jesus." WHAT?! Here is a born-again believer battling on the streets. As we talked, I started to tell stories and use scripture, and she was repeating verses I was using word for word. Without questions, she knows the Lord. Hold on, John!! Look at her life! She probably still uses drugs, no evidence of her being saved. I can hear some of you now. Whatever she is battling, she is in a place where her greatest struggles are others, souls! She is in a tent, a place I would not live, has daily interactions in her imperfect world, and is telling others about Jesus. Yes, but her life has not changed? I know, I know, I know. It reminds me of the older brother in the story of the prodigal son. You know, the one who stood right next to the father every day, the one who could have had anything he wanted, but do you know his problem. Pride and a hard heart. Anna may be living more like the younger son in the pig pit, but she is humble and has a heart for others and the LORD. Who is "less saved" the one who is not perfect, but loves Christ, or the one who has it all together, but is not even aware they are standing next to the Father? Grace my friends, It's Grace, encouragement, edification and lifting your brother/sister up, not keeping them down. I had a dear homeless friend named Tommy. This guy was not perfect and had many issues in life, but he would give you his last dime. He had nothing, but he had everything! Tommy led hundreds to the Lord, while many Christians never lead a single person to the Lord; they bury their talent. Neither Tommy or Anna did that. They battled daily in the flesh, but the heart is for Jesus. They will overcome and be healed one day, whether here or on the other side. I pray for this sister tonight and the nights to come. I pray she is able to find shelter and protection. Join me in praying for her. On the way into Charm City church in West Baltimore I usually stop make a stop in the neighborhood to grab a coffee. Almost for certain someone will be standing outside the doors, begging for money. This week I was ready!! I copied a few verses out of my Bible and was going to hand it out to whoever was waiting at the door. When I arrived, sure enough there was a man standing there waiting. As I approached he asked for change, I told I'd get him on the way out of the store and handed him my paper. I told him he needed to explain two of these verses to me when I come out. I took a few steps away and he said, "Sir but I'm muslim". I told him, that was ok, at one time I was Catholic, and Jesus came for "whosoever", and when I came back out, I'd explain it to him. As I came out I noticed he was gone, but I noticed a woman on the other side of the doors. As I made my way around the building, she asked me if I had change? I do not have coins, but I have "some life change" - that's a modern day approach to "I have neither silver or gold". I asked her name and introduced myself, handed her the piece of paper, looked her in the eyes and build instant credibility with our conversation. The Holy Spirit came upon her and she broke!! Within seconds of speaking to each other she was crying on my shoulder. When approaching anyone, you need to have something more in your pocket than the Roman Road. Not taking anything away from it, because I have used it hundreds of times to lead people to Christ; however, we need to understand or have an idea of where the people is in life before we can lead them. Nikki was open and shared her life, this made it easy to me to build rapport.
"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone". - John 8:7b They felt like someone caredHundreds of people have walked past them this past week, and no one took the time to say hi, to care, who speak to them. As Ambassadors of the Christ Jesus, are we not called to care for the least among us? The next time you see someone who is struggling and is in the fight, take time to learn something about them. And maybe, before you leave - you could hug them and let them know they are loved. It's a great way to lead them to Christ and get them into a local church. Next week, I am planning on meeting them with some ladies from a local church and let the women minister to them.
** Street Note..... people will hustle you, be ready. Either come with something or instead of giving money, buy them a sandwich or coffee. Ideas to have with you.... socks, hats, gloves, hygiene products. Don't always focus on handing "stuff out". We are here is share the Gospel, empower them - not entitle them. It is a delicate balance, and without street sense - you can end up doing social welfare. Focus on Jesus. God Bless! We were having an open air street ministry event right in the heart of drugs and prostitutes. In a very rough section of West Baltimore serving the least among us with Charm City Church. We were on the corner of Wilkins and Monroe St., a very dangerous area to go share the Gospel, but fertile territory because the need is so great and the workers so few. Fingertips from krokadil addiction -infection has set in- Renee Heard the Music!
We were sharing the Gospel, handing out water and hotdogs. Many walked up, some just for a bite and to run by on to their next mission for the day. Some visit and stay a little bit, Renee did not move. The ladies met her and spent time with her. She rededicated her life to Christ that evening. For the next two months she would come to church and mid-week Bible study. She said "she has never felt this much love and acceptance from a church before". When people say that, I reflect back to how dirty the sandals must have been on Jesus and His disciples, without a doubt it would have messed up the carpet in the churches today. Many folks who stand outside and are not "clean enough" for our buildings, they never hear the Gospel..... Because we will never go out! Renee ended up hospitalized from infections and was told she was facing other life ended complications that came from a life of drugs. She was sent to hospice a few days later, was able to get home with her sister where she was with family when she went home to the Lord. You could see she was such a beautiful person, who simple walked down the wrong path of life, and ultimately paid for it with her life. Maybe our sins do not cost us our physical life, but I bet many it has cost them their spiritual life. " Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death." James 1-15, NKJV If today you are dead because of your sins. My friends I understand that, we are all in constant battles with Satan. Don't like him keep you from serving God. He is a loving God who sent His son for me and for you! Turn | Confess | Be Restored! Rest in Peace Renee! WARNING - Photos include a deceased human being This week out on the streets, we were going to share the Word and some people where handing out donuts and hot dogs to anyone on these cold winter streets of drugs and death. Before I left my house, the Holy Spirit told me to "take a flashlight". A flashlight - why? Well, I put one in my pocket and left for the city. About 20 minutes into our sharing and serving a man is walking down the street and in his hand is a....... Flashlight!! How strange is this I thought, I'm going to watch him. There was no reason for me to watch him, he walks past everyone and comes directly up to me and says, "do you know where I can get a flashlight, the one I have stopped working." As I looked him right in the eyes to figure out if I was going to enter into a spiritual battle, you see in the streets of the most deadly city in the United States, there are many demonic forces at play. But as I looked I could see he was shaken and cared. What's up? I inquired. He told me a girl was dead in an "abando". That is an abandoned house that is used by homeless and the drug community as a place to shoot up. It was two doors down, he wanted someone to call for help, but his flashlight was broken. It is amazing how God knew he needed someone to have a flashlight that night, I happen to have one. I proceeded into an abandon drug den at night in one of the worst sections of west Baltimore. I must admit I had a little apprehension, but faith that God did not have me bring a flashlight so I could be hurt or killed.
The room we entered was filled with trash and human waste in one area. The other corner was the area they "lived". A blanket was on the floor covering something. Not sure what was under it I moved with caution, it was a lady we knew, we will call her Donna. The people in the community told me Donna was alive last night, and when they awake in the cold abandon house, she was dead. Not sure if she froze overnight, died of an overdose laced with fentanyl, or just past away from her lifestyle. Victory over death is through Christ Jesus (1Co15:57) We do know this....she had visited the church, the women of the church gave her clothes, food and the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, and she ACCEPTED CHRIST as her Lord and Savior! So we do know - She is run on the Golden Roads! She is a Saint in Glory. Oh friend, I know that bothers some of you. How can you say that about this "sinner", do we need to go back to the "casting the first stone story"? She was saved by GRACE! Hallelujah! I pray her life can be used to Glorify God, Save others and change lives! Glory to God!! Rest in peace my sister.
Here was a guy who ended up being one of the best men I have ever met on the streets. He was sincere, he cared, he would literally give you his jacket in a winter storm, I watched him do it. There was no difference between Tommy and myself, nor you. Ouch that hurt. It's true, like us Tommy cared so much for his fellow man, he would pray with you, lead you to Christ, would give anything he needed if he believed in others. Tommy was a sinner, like you and I, but Tommy had a heart that would out give many righteous christians in the church buildings. This can be hard for some to understand, but I'd take Tommy any day..... because of his heart!
His life of activities did cut his earthly ministry short. Tommy is no longer in pain, nor does he have any struggles, he is running the golden roads, and one day I look forward to seeing him again. Rest in Peace my friend. We took the street church to the beach in Ocean City, MD. For many, this was the first time they have ever seen or been in the ocean. Our street ministry in East Baltimore comes together each week to pray for each other and do life in an area of abandon businesses, methadone clinics and government housing. In the midst of all these are some of the great people and true friends! On a recent 30 day trip to Nicaragua I photo was sent back from an orphanage we were serving in. A friend printed it and brought it to street church. Here are a group of people who in the past only cared about themselves and what they could get from life, celebrating and praying for the kids in the orphanage who have nothing. Only through Christ! I thank God for people like my friends in East Baltimore!!
He is a gentle soul, who is always asking what he could do, or how he can help. He never asks for a handout, but one time he asked for a recliner. That weekend, a church visited and asked if there is anything they could do for anyone - Larry got his recliner.
UPDATE - Larry is with the Lord. Rest in peace my friend. |
Cross VictoryWe encourage churches to get beyond the walls. Archives
February 2025