Crossing Tribes | Growing Stronger in Faith | Sharpening Iron | Loving Jesus
This group of men is unlike other Christian groups. We are real, we are loyal, we are men who are "Big Enough" to know we are "small enough" to need a daddy! We know deep inside, outside of Him, we will wreck the train! We are told by Christ to "Deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him." Luke 9:23 ...... Cross? If we are honest, there are days we can't even carry a Stick!
We go deep, we are accountable to each other and Christ, we seek HIS will for our lives. This is a hug/elbow ministry grew out of the streets of Baltimore. We know the missing piece the church misses so often, the Programs, groups, and "love on each other sessions", etc., just don't work from some men! They miss the one thing..... it's Christ, His Cross, Him Crucified - IT IS FINISHED! There is no greater power, and when you surrender to that power - Your life will change.
We walk through life as a man who has it all together. Maybe on the outside, we look good, but inside, we have doubts, worries, and or fears that we don't want to talk about, and those lies have kept us from becoming the man God created us to be... you are NOT alone!
Cross Tribe comes from two concepts....
1) We are a tribe of men carrying Christ's cross in our hearts.
2) We cross "tribes'. Men willing to cross races, socio-economic barriers, cultures, and communities come together as one in Christ. Join the TRIBE
4 Ways to Connect to the TRIBE
1) Stay connected here, join us for Zoom ups and meetups, or come back here to hear a word of encouragement.
2) Join in our 2-3 day Pillar of Fire meetings. This comes out of Exodus 13:20-22. God leads them by a cloud during the day, but in the darkness, He lead the Israelites by a Pillar of Fire to give them light. Sit still with us, share life around a fire and allow God to lead you. Great time of fellowship.
3) Sage Circle is open to men 20-40's who are looking for or need wisdom of men a generation ahead of them. Millions today have some sort of father wound. Maybe a broken relationship, or a dad never around. Learn more about our Sage Circle and walk as the man God created you to be in life.
4) Warriors of Nathan (WON) - Victory over Porn and Sex. Where are you going to go, the church? I pray you are in a church that would not judge you, nor throw their "holy righteousness" against you, but would love you through the battle. The men of WON have been through it. Warriors of Nathan come from 2 Samuel 12 where Nathan loved David enough to point out his screw-up, but also to walk with him through it. WON is about walking with you. Helping you acknowledge where you are, and helping you discover, WHO you are and walk in that truth. If you struggle in this area, take a step today and reach out to us. Become someone who will be victorious.... You WON!
We go deep, we are accountable to each other and Christ, we seek HIS will for our lives. This is a hug/elbow ministry grew out of the streets of Baltimore. We know the missing piece the church misses so often, the Programs, groups, and "love on each other sessions", etc., just don't work from some men! They miss the one thing..... it's Christ, His Cross, Him Crucified - IT IS FINISHED! There is no greater power, and when you surrender to that power - Your life will change.
We walk through life as a man who has it all together. Maybe on the outside, we look good, but inside, we have doubts, worries, and or fears that we don't want to talk about, and those lies have kept us from becoming the man God created us to be... you are NOT alone!
Cross Tribe comes from two concepts....
1) We are a tribe of men carrying Christ's cross in our hearts.
2) We cross "tribes'. Men willing to cross races, socio-economic barriers, cultures, and communities come together as one in Christ. Join the TRIBE
4 Ways to Connect to the TRIBE
1) Stay connected here, join us for Zoom ups and meetups, or come back here to hear a word of encouragement.
2) Join in our 2-3 day Pillar of Fire meetings. This comes out of Exodus 13:20-22. God leads them by a cloud during the day, but in the darkness, He lead the Israelites by a Pillar of Fire to give them light. Sit still with us, share life around a fire and allow God to lead you. Great time of fellowship.
3) Sage Circle is open to men 20-40's who are looking for or need wisdom of men a generation ahead of them. Millions today have some sort of father wound. Maybe a broken relationship, or a dad never around. Learn more about our Sage Circle and walk as the man God created you to be in life.
4) Warriors of Nathan (WON) - Victory over Porn and Sex. Where are you going to go, the church? I pray you are in a church that would not judge you, nor throw their "holy righteousness" against you, but would love you through the battle. The men of WON have been through it. Warriors of Nathan come from 2 Samuel 12 where Nathan loved David enough to point out his screw-up, but also to walk with him through it. WON is about walking with you. Helping you acknowledge where you are, and helping you discover, WHO you are and walk in that truth. If you struggle in this area, take a step today and reach out to us. Become someone who will be victorious.... You WON!